WizDx™ CrystalMix HPV 16/18 kit is an in vitro diagnostic Multiplex real-time PCR test for the qualitative detection of DNAs from Human Papillomavirus type 16 and 18 in cervical, vaginal, and genital specimens of patients.
Simple procedures forHuman Papillomavirus type 16 and 18 diagnosis with ready-to-use reagents that assure high specificity & sensitivity.
Room temperature stable reagents with no need for cold chain logistics.
Compatibility with various PCR systems: From mobile to laboratory use PCR systems.
Application of UDG system to prevent cross-contamination.
When using CLEO™ Q16, automatic result analysis can be linked with the LIS system and convenient results can be checked with the CLEO™ Q16 Viewer for PC.
Ordering information
Cat No: DX1224
Package: 96 Tests
Kit Contents
96 tubes for the detection of HPV 16/8 (8 strip x 12 ea), Freeze-dried